Yoga For Men Over 50 – How to Future Proof Your Body and Mind

You’ve probably heard all about the amazing benefits of practising yoga, from increased strength and flexibility to reduced stress and anxiety. But what about yoga for men over 50? 

The good news is that the benefits of yoga aren’t restricted to just the younger crowd. Yoga for men over 50 is recognised as being a safe and effective way to not only maintain but enhance physical function in older men. Yoga has also been shown to boost libido and improve sexual performance in men.

Sure, you might not be performing advanced headstands or backbends right away, but there are a number of modifications that can be made to each yoga asana (pose) to account for reduced flexibility or to work around any injuries or discomforts.

In this article, I’ll share with you the benefits of yoga for men over 50, which types of yoga are best for older guys and share some helpful tips to help you get started on your yoga journey.

Benefits of Yoga for Men Over 50

Science has backed what yogis have known for thousands of years – yoga is key to living a longer, healthier and happier life. Here are just some of the scientifically-backed benefits of yoga, specifically for guys over 50.

Exercise Without The Strain

As we get older, our body’s systems recover slower, heart and blood vessels may become stiffer, lung capacity decreases, bones weaken and muscle mass declines. Unfortunately, declining physical health is a part of aging. However, healthy lifestyle habits like exercising regularly, eating a nutritious diet and maintaining social connections can help to slow the aging process. 

The American College of Sports Medicine explains that evidence shows that following a regular exercise program is an effective way to reduce and prevent a number of functional declines associated with aging.

Yoga is a great way to incorporate regular exercise into your daily life, and improve your quality of life and slow down the aging process. Unlike running or playing a game of basketball, yoga is a low-impact activity that older men can enjoy without placing too much strain on their joints. 

Improves Sleep Quality

Insomnia can cause impaired daily function and reduced quality of life. The older we get, the more likely we are to suffer from sleep problems. Instead of reaching for the sleeping pills, try yoga for a better night’s sleep. 

In one study researchers tested the effectiveness of twice-weekly yoga classes for the treatment of insomnia in older adults. They found that participants who practiced yoga regularly fell asleep faster and reported improved sleep quality and duration, along with enhanced well-being and vitality.

Increased Flexibility

Can’t touch your toes? You’re not alone. It’s normal for joint flexibility to decrease with age. But older adults can still have the ability to improve their flexibility. Yoga poses are an efficient wayto stretch your muscles and improve your range of motion, leading to greater flexibility over time.

One study conducted by the University of Californiafound that Hatha yoga practice significantly increased ankle, shoulder and trunk flexibility. This was attributed to the static stretching nature of yoga postures, which increase the length of both connective and muscle tissue – resulting in greater flexibility over time.

Promotes Stronger Bones

The longer we live, the greater chance we have of developing osteoporosis – a condition that results in impaired bone strength and can lead to bone fractures. It is expected that 1 in 2 Americans over the age of 50 will have or be at risk of developing the disease.

While losing bone loss is a part of aging, osteoporosis can be prevented and at least delayed through exercise like yoga. A paper titled “Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga RoutineReversesOsteoporotic Bone Loss” found that regular yoga practice increased bone density among older adults. Yoga was also shown to increase balance and coordination which can protect against falls in old age, which is a cause of bone fractures.  

The poses practiced in the study can be found below. The poses should be held for 30 seconds with a 30-second rest in between poses.

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Improves Mental Health

Yoga for men over 50 offers a non-medical approach to improving mental health and overall well-being. In a paper published by the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, researchers found that yoga was more effective than regular exercise at reducing anger, anxiety, and depression in older adults. 

Build Muscle Density

Muscle loss is another inevitable part of the aging process. Yoga, like other forms of resistance training, can help you to build muscle and gain strength. Believe it or not, yoga is a type ofbodyweight resistance training. When you perform yoga poses you are putting your body in positions that your muscles need to support. This challenges muscles over time, resulting in muscle growth.

Lowers Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a leading risk factor for heart disease and death. Older men are the most at-risk group for high blood pressure, due to various biological and lifestyle factors. The risk for the most common form of heart disease, coronary artery disease (CAD), increases in midlife— beginning at age 45 for men. 

meta-analysis of various studies found that yoga appears to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure for adults suffering from hypertension, suggesting that the practice could be an effective alternative to medication. 

Boosts Sex Drive and Improves Sexual Health

Yoga can be used as a form of complementary medicine to improve reproductive health in men over 50. Regular yoga practice has been proven to improve reproductive health by regulating blood flow, reducing stress and anxiety and improving overall mood. 

Is Yoga Safe For Older Guys?

Men over 50 typically have less range of motion, strength and weaker balance than younger guys. As we get older, we are also more likely to suffer from conditions like osteoarthritis and lower back issues which can put us at higher risk of injuries or soreness during yoga.

Despite these challenges, research shows that yoga is perfectly safe for men over 50, although you may need to modify some of the poses to work around any existing limitations. 

Best Style of Yoga For Men Over 50

If you find that one style isn’t serving you, don’t be afraid to try something completely new!

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There are a number of different yoga styles that men over 50 can choose. Some common types of yoga that you might see offered at your local yoga studio include Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Yin and Restorative Yoga.

I recommend starting with a gentle Hatha yoga class if you’re completely new to yoga or haven’t exercised for a while. Hatha involves holding specific poses for a short time before slowly moving to the next. Yin Yoga and Restorative yoga are great options if you are looking for a gentler, calmer practice to help you heal and restore your body.

If your flexibility is poor or you have any physical limitations like knee or back pain, there’s no shame in trying out a chair yoga class. Many poses can be modified to be performed seated so you can still reap the benefits of yoga without any unnecessary pain.

If you are in good shape and have some experience with yoga, you might want to give Vinyasa or Ashtanga Yoga a shot. These types of yoga will have you building heat and working up a sweat as you move or “flow” quickly between poses.

These are just some of the many types of yoga available to men over 50. Each style of yoga offers its own unique pros and cons, so don’t discount any style until you’ve given it a go. If you find that one style isn’t serving you, don’t be afraid to try something completely new!

How to Get Started With Yoga If You Are Over 50

The ancient Indian practice of yoga has so much to offer guys over 50, but getting started might feel overwhelming. Here are a few steps I recommend following before jumping right into your first yoga class:

  1. Get a checkup from your GP to make sure you don’t have any physical problems or conditions that might stop you from practicing yoga.

  2. Wear the right clothes. You’ll want to wear comfortable, breathable clothes that won’t get in your way during poses. A t-shirt or tank top and jogging shorts are a good start for guys.

  3. Make sure you have the right accessories. You don’t need a lot of stuff to start yoga, but a good mat, block, and towel will go a long way. Check out the Beginner’s Guide to Yoga For Men to find out everything you’ll need to get started.

  4. Start slow. Don’t jump right into a challenging power yoga class. Opt for a gentle beginner’s class if possible. There are heaps of free beginner yoga classes on YouTube to start with, or search for beginner yoga classes in your area! Classes aren’t always called “yoga over 50” or “senior” classes, so keep an eye out for “yoga basics” or “yoga for beginners” classes.

  5. If you are going to a yoga class at a studio, arrive early so you can have a chat with the instructor beforehand. By letting your yoga instructor know of any injuries or conditions you have, they will be able to help you modify any problematic poses based on your personal physiology.

The Wrap

Men over the age of 50 have everything to gain by incorporating yoga into their daily lives. Research shows that regular practice not only reduces stress and anxiety but also builds muscle, improves bone density, increases sex drive and lowers blood pressure.

Yoga is also an incredible tool for slowing and even preventing the onset of diseases associated with aging like heart disease and osteoporosis which can add years to your life.

By practicing yoga today, you’re setting yourself up for a longer, happier and healthier future tomorrow.

Jonathan Gilbert

Plant-based yoga enthusiast, guitarist and nature lover. Jonathan is passionate about empowering men to be the best versions of themselves through men’s yoga.


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