Yoga for Male Fertility

In this day and age, reproductive health problems and even infertility amongst men are not uncommon. In fact, research shows that around 15 percent of couples are unable to get pregnant, with men being the cause of a third of all infertility cases.

There are many treatments on the market to improve male fertility, but they can be costly and aren’t always effective. But what about utilising yoga for improving male fertility?

It is suggested that regular yoga practice can be beneficial for men’s reproductive health by reducing stress and anxiety, increasing blood flow and regulating hormones. In this article, we’ll explore what causes infertility in men and just how effective yoga is at improving reproductive health.

What is male infertility?

Male infertility is the inability of a male to fertilise mature ova after sexual intercourse. Infertility in guys can be caused by low sperm count, abnormal sperm function or blockages that can stop the delivery of sperm. Illness, health problems, injuries and lifestyle choices such as smoking are all factors that can all play a role in causing male infertility.

What causes infertility in men?

Smoking, alcohol, and drugs

Man smoking a cigarette in the dark.jpg

Lifestyle choices such as smoking cigarettes or cannabis or taking drugs such as cocaine and even steroids can negatively impact male reproductive health. Research shows that unhealthy habits such as smoking or eating a high-fat diet can damage blood vessels and impair blood flow, which can lead to impotence. Good blood supply to the penis is crucial for achieving an erection.

Cannabis has been linked to lowered fertility rates and an inability to perform in the bedroom. There is also research to suggest that it decreases levels of testosterone – an important male hormone – and can even result in abnormally shaped sperm.

Drugs like cocaine and steroids may also have a negative impact on sperm production. Studies have shown that cocaine can damage cells that create sperm, while steroids can act as a male contraceptive by depressing hormone secretion. 

While moderate alcohol consumption doesn’t seem to have a negative impact on fertility, research has foundthat alcoholics do experience lower testosterone levels and reduced sperm counts. 


Rising obesity in the Western world may be a major contributing factor to male infertility. One study of over 1,500 men found that having a BMI (body mass index) over 25 is associated with an average 25% reduction in sperm count and mobility.  

Environmental chemicals

Every day we are exposed to thousands of chemicals in our environment at home, work and through the use of products like skin creams and deodorants. Exposure to environmental chemicals may impair sperm production and reduce sperm count, however, there is little evidence to support this.

How Yoga Improves Men’s Reproductive Health

Yoga can be used as a form of complementary medicine to improve reproductive health. Research has shown that regular practice improves reproductive health by regulating blood flow, reducing stress and anxiety and improving overall mood. 

Reduces stress and anxiety

Depression and anxiety have been linked to poor reproductive function in both men and women. While it is common knowledge that meditation can be an effective method for reducing depression and anxiety, yoga has also been found to regulate the body’s stress response which may be helpful for treating both depression and anxiety. 

One study found that 55% of infertility patients were able to have a baby within just one year of practicing yoga and meditation in combination with other relaxation techniques.

Improves mood

If you’ve ever done a yoga class after having a bad day, you probably remember that feeling of your stress melting away on the mat. Countless studies have shown that yoga practice can improve mood and quality of life. In one study, researchers treated women who were “emotionally distressed” with 90-minute yoga classes twice per day over a period of 3 months. At the end of the study depression scores improved by 50%, anxiety scores 30% and overall well-being scores by 65%

Increases blood circulation

In addition to managing stress Yoga, in general, is a great way to improve blood circulation which is key to good health and performance in the bedroom. However certain yoga poses can be especially beneficial to improving fertility in men.

Which Type of Yoga is Best For Improving Men’s Fertility?

Any type of yoga which includes postures (asanas) is beneficial for improving male fertility. However, there is a type of yoga that focuses especially on virility and sexual energy  – Kundalini. In this form of yoga, sexual energy is considered the strongest form of energy in the body and it is believed that it can be used to rejuvenate the body and accelerate spiritual growth.

Ancient holy men who practiced Kundalini yoga were known to maintain their libido up until old age through this practice. Learn moreabout Kundalini yoga. 

Best Yoga Poses For Male Fertility?

Each posture in yoga is targeted at strengthening specific parts of the body. Any posture which gets the blood flowing to the lower part of the body can be helpful for improving men’s sexual health.

1. Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

Inversions are considered to be some of the most essential poses in yoga. Inversions like the shoulder stand have been found to promote blood circulation, calm nerves by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, reduce anxiety and depression and even boost immune functioning. All of these benefits can improve sexual health in men.


  1. Lie on the back on a yoga mat on a flat surface with the feet held together

  2. Breathe in deeply and slowly raise the legs up at a right angle

  3. Place the hands under the hip bone (with the fingertips towards the spine)

  4. On an exhale, gently bring the body up with the support of your hands on your back

  5. While keeping the legs straight, breath deeply while maintaining the posture

  6. To come out of the pose, slowly fold the legs down and come back to the resting position in a smooth motion

Tim from Yoga With Tim has a great videothat covers 3 basic steps to safely mastering the shoulder stand. 

2.  Plow Pose (Halasana)

The plow pose is a fantastic pose for nurturing and rejuvenating the entire body. Like the shoulder stand, the plow pose is a great yoga pose for increasing blood circulation and reducing stress and anxiety which is beneficial for men’s reproductive health. In the inverted position of the pose, blood is pumped to the brain which can increase mental clarity and vitality. 


  1. Lie on your back with arms and palms flat on the floor beside the body for support

  2. On an exhale, slowly bring the legs over your head. Depending on your flexibility you may touch the floor with the feet or bring them to a raised surface like a chair or ledge

  3. To release the pose, support the back with both hands, bring the legs back over your head and lower the body to the ground gently

3. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

This posture mimics the shape of an archer’s bow, with the torso and legs representing the body of the bow, and the arms the string. The bow pose benefits men’s sexual health by stimulating the sexual organs, while also helping to beat anxiety and fatigue.


  1. Begin by lying face down on a mat

  2. Your arms should be kept by your sides and keep the legs slightly apart

  3. Breathe in deeply and on an exhale, fold the knees and hold the ankles with the hands

  4. While inhaling, pull the chest off the ground and pull the legs up straight on the tips of the feet

  5. Looking straight ahead, stretch the body like a bow and hold the posture with only the stomach touching the ground

  6. Hold the pose anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds

  7. To come out of the pose exhale and slowly release the pose and come back to resting position

4. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)

If you’ve ever been to the gym before there’s a high chance you’re already familiar with this pose. The plank pose, or kumbhakasana, is a common pose in most Hatha yoga classes. It builds strength in the upper body and may help with increasing sexual stamina.


  1. Begin by lying face down on a mat

  2. Keep the hands next to the shoulders and push the body up from the floor (like you are about to perform a pushup)

  3. Ensure your thighs stay lifted and don’t let your hips sink too low.

  4. Draw your navel up toward your spine as you contract your abs. Keep your neck relaxed

  5. Hold the body in this plank posture for 15-30 seconds and then gently lower back down to the mat

5. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

The seated forward fold, or Paschimottanasana, is an effective pose for calming the mind and providing a deep stretch in the hamstrings. 


  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Keep a slight bend in the knees and push through your heels

  2. While breathing in, bring the arms up and slowly hinge forward. Depending on your flexibility you can aim to touch your toes. It’s important to keep a neutral back so you are not unnecessarily stressing the lower back. Focus on bringing your chest to your knees

  3. Breathe deeply and hold this pose anywhere from 15 – 20 seconds

  4. On an exhale slowly roll the torso upright, vertebra by vertebra

Yoga teacher Landon Slaughter has an awesome tutorialon how to correctly perform a seated forward bend, with some tips on how to adapt the move if like most guys you have tight hamstrings.

6. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Similar to the seated forward fold, Uttanasana is a great pose to stretch the hamstrings and lower back and calm a restless mind. This is a great pose to perform before bed and can help with insomnia. 


  1. Stand up tall on your mat with your hands on your hips

  2. While exhaling, slowly bend forward making sure to push your hips back. Release your arms down towards the mat and allow the weight of the head to bring you deeper into the pose

  3. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds, making sure to breathe deeply

  4. On an inhale, release the pose by bringing the hands to the hips, and slowly standing back up straight

7. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The cobra poseis a backbend suited for beginners that prepares the body for more advanced backbends. It increases the flexibility of the spine and provides a great stretch in the chest. This pose is especially beneficial to men’s sexual health as it reduces stress and fatigue, boosting confidence and performance in the bedroom. 


  1. Lie face down on a mat with your legs extended behind you

  2. Place your hands under your shoulders and hug your shoulders to the sides of your body

  3. Press down through the tops of your feet and pubic bone

  4. On an inhale, lift the head and chest off the ground. Make sure to keep your lower ribs on the floor. Draw the shoulders back and chest forward, making sure you don’t crunch your neck (this is known as “baby cobra”)

  5. Straighten your arms slowly, lifting the chest further off the ground. Press the tops of legs into the ground

  6. Hold this pose for up to 30 seconds

  7. To release, exhale while you slowly lower your chest and head to the mat

8. Boat Pose (Navasana)

The boat pose strengthens the abs and hip flexors and stretches the back and torso. It requires a good amount of core strength and balance. For men, this pose is said to enhance sexual health by stimulating the prostate gland. 


  1. Sit on the floor with legs extended in front of you. Press the hands into the ground, just behind your hips

  2. On an exhale, bend your knees and then lift your feet off the floor so your thighs are angled about 40 -45 degrees relative to the floor

  3. If your flexibility allows, slowly straighten your legs, raising the tops of your toes slightly above eye level

  4. Holding the pose, stretch out your arms alongside the legs and reach through the fingers. You can reduce the difficulty of the pose by holding on to the back of your thighs

  5. Hold the pose for 10 – 20 seconds at first. Work up to holding this pose for a minute

  6. To release the pose, bring the legs down on an exhale and sit upright on an inhale

Best Yoga Exercises For Improving Male Fertility?

Mula Bandha (Root Locks)

Okay, so this one isn’t so much a yoga pose as it is an exercise. Mula Bandha is the Sanskrit word for “root lock” or energy center located in the pelvic floor.  Engaging the root lock strengthens muscles in the pelvic floor which can improve circulation and increase blood flow to the area, making for a great time under the covers.

Engaging the Mula Bandha can help you last longer in the bedroom by increasing muscular control over the penis. A stronger pelvic floor can even allow some guys to achieve a form of orgasm without ejaculation, helping them to climax multiple times in sexual activity. Awesome right?

How to engage your root lock

According to yoga teacher Caroline Layzell, it’s easy to engage your root locks. Gently your pelvic floor muscles by imaging that you are trying to stop the flow of urine and a bowel movement simultaneously. You also want to focus on drawing your tailbone downwards. Make sure not to squeeze your glutes.

Root locks can be incorporated into pretty much any yoga pose, so give them a shot next time you’re on the mat.


Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath. In yoga, it is believed that breath is the source of prana or our vital life force. Some yoga gurus even prioritise pranayama practice over asanas.

Pranayama breathing techniques can be a great way to improve male fertility with researchshowing that it can reduce stress and anxiety and improve autonomic functioning. 

Like asana practice, there are many different approaches to pranayama. These breathing methods are sometimes incorporated into asana practice, while other methods such as Iyengar Yoga teach pranayama as a separate practice entirely.

Pranayama can be dangerous if it is not practiced correctly so I highly recommend finding a knowledgeable instructor who can teach you the basics. 

The Wrap Up

Yogis have hinted at the sexual benefits of yoga for hundreds of years. Now research is starting to catch up, with studies showing that regular yoga practice may be beneficial at improving male fertility by reducing stress and anxiety, regulating hormones, improving mood and increasing circulation. 

Guys can enhance the sexual benefits of yoga by incorporating techniques like root locks into their practice. Specific poses such as the shoulder stand, plow, plank, and forward fold can all help you combat stress and anxiety and improve blood flow, improving your sexual health.

While yoga can be a great complementary treatment to male sexual problems and infertility, it is important to speak to your health care practitioner if you are having any major concerns regarding your sexual health to ensure it is the best solution for you.

Jonathan Gilbert

Plant-based yoga enthusiast, guitarist and nature lover. Jonathan is passionate about empowering men to be the best versions of themselves through men’s yoga.


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