12 Benefits of Yoga for Alcoholics in Recovery

Man with black shirt and grey pants doing yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. It has been practised for centuries and is now popular around the world. Yoga for alcoholics in recovery can be highly beneficial, helping to combat addiction, stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.

Recovery is a lifetime process and it can be a difficult journey. There are many benefits of yoga for alcoholics in recovery including reducing cravings, improving sleep quality, decreasing withdrawal symptoms and more.

Read on to explore the benefits of yoga for people recovering from alcoholism or any type of addiction for that matter.

Yoga can help reduce cravings

Yoga can help to reduce cravings for alcohol because yoga helps to reduce cravings for other things that are harmful. By doing yoga, individuals can learn how to control their impulses and overcome urges or temptations. Yoga also helps with stress management which is one of the main causes of drinking problems in many people.

Yoga improves sleep quality

Since yoga affects cortisol levels it makes sense that yoga would help improve sleep quality among those who suffer from insomnia due to alcoholism. Alcoholics experience anxiety-related issues which contribute to poor sleeping patterns but since yoga lowers cortisol levels this will lead to better sleep making them feel more rested throughout the day!

Yoga aids withdrawal symptoms during the recovery period

Alcoholics often experience withdrawal symptoms during the recovery period which can lead to relapse due to cravings and yoga is great for this! Yoga for alocholics in recovery has been shown to help with addiction in general because it reduces stress hormones, increases serotonin levels and helps increase focus. All of these benefits make yoga a wonderful addition to any alcoholics routine as they work towards sobriety.

Yoga builds mental strength

One less obvious benefit that yoga offers those who suffer from alcoholism is its effects on building mental strength. The practice challenges your mind and body; you need both to work together when performing different poses making yoga an excellent way of improving overall willpower which will only aid in achieving abstinence from alcohol or drugs.

Yoga helps improve mood

Another useful benefit yoga offers to those trying to stop drinking is its ability to help with the management of depression and anxiety. Yoga works on both mental and physical levels allowing for a better overall mind-body connection which can lead to positive effects such as improved coping skills, increased motivation and above all else an improvement in mood.

Yoga allows for relaxation

Another great benefit of yoga for alcoholics or people battling addiction is its ability to help them relax. After all stress relief often becomes even more important than before during such phases of life where so much change takes place at once. If you want to feel better then you have got to do something greater than what brought about these negative

Yoga increases self-esteem in people that are addicted to substances

While yoga allows for relaxation it also provides its participants with an increase in self-esteem. This is particularly important if you are trying to quit drugs or alcohol as once these things leave your system, there may have been negative effects on mental health that need remedies.

Yoga helps people recover faster from addiction withdrawals yoga being so good at helping the body relax and release tension means that those who practice yoga will find their recovery times become much shorter after quitting alcohol or harmful substances. This will obviously help them feel better about themselves without having to go through harsh withdrawal symptoms.

Yoga decreases anxiety

Another benefit of yoga for addicts attempting to get clean is that it has long been considered a treatment for anxiety. Anxiety is associated with many different addictions and yoga can help alcoholics to overcome this aspect of their addiction that makes them want to go back out there and use again.

Yoga increases energy levels

Additionally, yoga has been linked to increased energy levels which will be great news for those who are struggling through the dark days of withdrawal symptoms while trying to get themselves clean from alcohol or drugs. Yoga helps people feel positive about themselves too because it boosts self-esteem by helping individuals build up confidence in their own ability and body strength as they start practising yoga poses more regularly on a daily basis (or whatever works best).

Yoga can help with coping skills for negative emotions and stressors that are triggers of relapse

Another benefit of regular yoga practice is that yoga helps people to build up coping skills for negative emotions and stressors which can become triggers of relapse. Yoga works on the mind just as much as it does on the body so this is a great way to help people feel more in control, even when life isn’t going smoothly or things are looking bleak.

Yoga can help people with underlying mental health issues

People with substance abuse problems often have underlying mental health issues and yoga can help with this. Yoga is a way to feel connected both within yourself and also a sense of connection to something greater which for many people in recovery has been the 12 step program or their spiritual path.

Yoga practice allows a person time every day just for themselves, where they can recharge from getting through each day as well as being able to clear their minds so that they are better equipped at making positive decisions rather than reaching for substances during difficult times.

Yoga provides an opportunity every day for oneself - this gives them time away from distractions, responsibilities and triggers associated with addiction while providing space to build coping skills needed when life throws curveballs.

Yoga builds self-discipline

Another benefit that yoga has for recovering alcoholics is the ability to build strong self-discipline.

It is important for yoga students, regardless of their addiction recovery path, to have self-discipline and be able to work through frustration in order to continue with yoga asana because it can definitely be challenging at times!

This type of perseverance will help recovering alcoholics stay committed even when they are faced with difficult situations that might initially seem like triggers or reasons not to do yoga. Yoga teaches patience - something addicts need more than ever before.

Patience allows one time away from thinking about what everyone else wants them to do; instead, yogis learn how focusing on themselves (or "me" time) is actually healthy and beneficial rather than harmful/unhealthy like substance abuse was.

Yoga for Alcoholics in Recovery

This post has gone into detail about how yoga can be used by alcoholics or addicts who are attempting sobriety. The practice not only improves your health but also builds up willpower which makes it easier to maintain abstinence from drugs or alcohol. Yoga's benefits do not end here though; yoga is beneficial for everyone, whether you need help improving your focus at work or you are looking for a way to tone your body. Everyone can benefit from yoga, even if you do not know where to start yoga is very simple and the necessary equipment most people already have at home (a mat).

Yoga helps with focus; yoga decreases stress; yoga improves moods - there are many benefits of yoga that cannot be listed here entirely but this blog post has hopefully provided enough detail about why everyone should try yoga out.

Good luck on your journey!

Jonathan Gilbert

Plant-based yoga enthusiast, guitarist and nature lover. Jonathan is passionate about empowering men to be the best versions of themselves through men’s yoga.


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